Since September 2020, we have been producing online Christian content in Malagasy. These are primarily videos where Alex is sharing God's word in the Malagasy language. We release content on different social media platforms and, simply put, we have been absolutely in awe of what God has done through the videos.
To date, we have put out about 60 videos and, although there are only approximately 30 million people worldwide who can speak this language, the videos have been watched over 7.5 million times. Glory to God!
We have received thousands of messages from people who either want to receive Jesus as their Lord and Saviour, want to grow closer to God, need prayer, or need biblical counsel. We have the privilege of helping and discipling these people so that they can have a deeper relationship with God.
This is our main ministry that we focus on as it is a powerful tool that God has given us to reach many people here with the gospel. It has been especially effective in reaching young people. We are excited to see how God continues to use this ministry!

In the south of Madagascar, where we initially lived and still visit a few times each year, our focus is church planting. Our team there goes out to villages about 4-5 times a week, encouraging local churches that already exist as well as going to new places. When we go into a village, our primary goal is to share the gospel and lead people to Christ. From there, we begin teaching them the bible so that they can grow into mature believers. Our heart is to make disciples who go and make disciples.

One of the things that God has called us to do in Madagascar is to take care of orphaned and abandoned children. We currently have 16 children in our sponsor-child program. These children are either orphaned or abandoned by one or both of their biological parents. We place them with loving Christian parents who are able to raise them as if they were their own children. We provide the financial support needed to take care of all of their basic necessities and anything else that they might need.

Training leaders and pastors is integral to church planting. As we preach and teach the bible, we look to find people who are strong in their faith and who are called to be leaders/pastors that can lead a church or bible study group.
We train these people in individual settings by discipling them one-on-one and by holding trainings where many pastors/leaders can attend and be taught the word of God..

Some babies are extremely malnourished and are not receiving the nutrients they need to grow properly. We have a milk program for malnourished babies where we give them formula bi-weekly or monthly according to their needs. We then monitor their health to ensure that they are growing well. We have seen many babies' lives changed through this program.

Many children in the south of Madagascar are not able to go to school because their family cannot afford the school fees. We know that education is so vital for every child especially if we want to help break the cycle of poverty. Because of this, we pay school fees for children in need.