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Image by Yasmine Arfaoui


What a great end to this fantastic year. After approximately 18 months in Canada, we were finally able to book a ticket back to Madagascar. Our flight is currently scheduled for February 8, 2022. This is not actually our original flight date, however, as we had originally booked for an earlier date but that flight was cancelled. Leaving in early February will give us the time we need to apply for Gianna’s visa (which we could not do until we booked a flight), and visit and say goodbye to churches. 

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As most of you know, we were not able to book a flight back until recently because the borders had been closed for a very long time and things are just now getting back to normal there in terms of international travel. This is obviously still a crazy time to be travelling and relocating but we trust that God will lead us and guide us in every step that we take. We really feel that it is time for us to go back, even though there are so many uncertainties. Something that we will have to keep an eye on is the fact that Madagascar's borders could close again before our flight date, so please keep that in prayer.



Because of the amazing group of pastors and co-workers that we work with and disciple in Madagascar, we were still able to continue much of the work that we would have done if we were still there. Here is some of what took place in some specific areas of ministry:

Church Planting - Since we have been gone, 14 new churches/bible study groups have been planted! These churches/bible study groups are places that Rachel and I have never even seen or been to. 

Orphan Care - We are currently taking care of 12 orphans living with two different families.

Pastor/Leaders Training - Our monthly training for pastors and leaders has continued and we were able to send several leaders to seminary training. This training is equipping them to carry out God's calling over their life.



As for what we have been doing here, we have continued to produce teaching videos online which have reached many with the good news of Jesus Christ and with biblical teaching and encouragement for believers. We hope to send an update video out in the month of January explaining a little bit more about that. So please look out for that. 



Thank you for your continued love, prayer and financial support. It is making an incredible difference and we are so grateful for each and every one of you. We pray for God’s blessings over your life as we go into the new year. God bless!


  1. That God would continue to use the teaching videos to draw people to him.

  2. For strength and perseverance for our Malagasy coworkers that are still on the field.

  3. That we would trust the Lord's timing even with the uncertainty ahead.

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